Capuchin Monkeys For Sale
For sale
West Virginia, West Virginia:Charleston, Charleston
Published by: Justine Mia
Our Capuchin monkeys just turned 11 weeks old this week and just got their 2nd round of shots. Our Monkeys will come with a crate, some food samples and water bowl, a collar, a leash, and name tags with their names Prince and Princess (if you wanna keep that name). Upon meeting her, you're sure to fall in love with their playfulness, cuteness and slight shyness of princess. PRINCESS She is spayed and UTD with shots. She's a great monkey. She knows how to sit and is very obedient to ones command if the voice is firm. She could use more training though. She's still a baby and needs care and attention. Would prefer someone who can either be with her all day or has children or other pets to keep her company. And because of her shyness, I would prefer an owner who isn't aggressive as she will just shut down and become afraid. I want her to grow up and blossom, not shutdown and become dead to life. She's a great monkey for the right owner. One who is firm with commands, but still gentle and playful with her PRINCE He is just starting to use the pee pad and I am taking him for his shots, so he will come with his shot record. I was told he has been dewormed, but I'll probably have them do that too to be safe. He has seemed very healthy while I have had him.He is very smart and loves to jump from one toy to another.He understands basic commands like sit, come here, go, and more.and acts very fast especially when you call his name
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