God Fearing And Humble Workers Needed In Our Home Urgently
Colorado, Colorado Springs, texas
Published by: Dammien
Am Mr DAMMIEN am from CANADA but right now am on a business trip with my family for 5 years in UK for business purpose,and am hereby looking for a reliable Au pair ,nanny housekeeper and a gardener, who is a graduate from any country that can speak a very good English ,caregiver who can take good care of my kid, and a experience driver with driving license , i have one kid which his name Chris.
is free with free internet browser?
1) For a nanny ,u will have to take good care of my kids..
2)For a housekeeper ,u will have to take good care of the house including the garden..
3) For a driver,u will have to drive and take good care off the car..
if seriously interested do well to send your references or resume,and i will get back to u, i would send you a job offer Letter to my email address dammienedgarfamilycares@yahoo.com. We shall discuss travel arrangements in due course of which I would be of little assistance to you in accordance with 60% part of the traveling expenses of your traveling document....
Await Your Soonest Responses..........
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